Course Information

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Stratum - Anterior and Posterior Composite Masterclass

An intense 2-day course of lectures and hands on exercises that are designed to improve the skills of dentists as it relates to understanding the science and art of anterior and posterior composite restorations. Dentists will learn the skills and knowledge required to replicate natural teeth with resin.

Click here to learn more.

Lamina - Mastering the Art & Science of Ceramic Veneers


Click here to go on the waiting list.

Illuminate - Clinical Photography & Aesthetic Case Planning

A 2-day course of lectures and hands-on exercises designed to improve the skills of dentists and auxiliary staff as it relates to dental photography. Delegates will learn the skills and knowledge required to take high-quality, reproducible dental photographs for clinical documentation, patient and laboratory communication, as well as aesthetic case presentation.

Click here to learn more.


Mastering Indirect Posterior Ceramic Restorations - BxY reCON

Indirect dentistry has evolved immensely thanks to progressions in the science of adhesive dentistry. The understanding of modern-day preparation design and workflows are quintessential to the general practitioner as more patients understand the benefits of comprehensive and definitive dental care. Do you find yourself questioning your preparation design? Wondering what material is best for a particular case? Shoulders, bevels, chamfers, butt-joints…!? Join us for the indirect master class and assist your patients in their reCON-structive journey.

Click here to learn more

eMerge - The Restorative Implantology Masterclass

An intense 1-day course of lectures and hands-on exercises designed to improve the skills of dentists as it relates to understanding the art and science of biologically designed implant restorations. Dentists will develop the skills and knowledge required to replicate natural teeth when restoring anterior and posterior edentulous spaces with fixed single and multi-unit implant restorations.

Click here to learn more.

inteGrate – Alveolar Ridge Preservation & Implantology Masterclass

A 2-day intensive course of lectures and hands-on exercises designed to improve the skills of dentists as it relates to understanding of the art and science behind alveolar ridge preservation and prosthetically-driven implantology.

Click here to learn more.

enHance & reGEN – the COMPLETE Hard & Soft Tissue Masterclass

A 4-day intensive course of lectures and hands-on exercises designed to improve the skills of dentists as it relates to hard and soft tissue augmentation procedures around both teeth and implants. Delegates will acquire the skills and knowledge to accurately diagnose, classify and manage hard tissue alveolar defects, as well as soft tissue mucogingival defects around both teeth and implants.

Click here to learn more

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Take your dentistry to the next level.