inteGrate – Alveolar Ridge Preservation & Implantology Masterclass


A 2-day intensive course of lectures and hands-on exercises designed to improve the skills of dentists as it relates to understanding of the art and science behind alveolar ridge preservation and prosthetically-driven implantology. The course will focus on the treatment planning considerations and surgical techniques that are necessary in setting the stage for successful implant dentistry. Delegates will learn and develop the skills and knowledge required to efficiently perform atraumatic extractions and to predictably preserve and augment the alveolar ridge following tooth removal. This course will dig deep into the ins-and-outs of 3D implant placement, with the opportunity to engage in the digital planning, design, and fabrication of surgical guides to assist with implant surgery.

Wondering when to graft at the time of extraction? What materials are best used in a particular case? How long to wait to re-enter preserved sites? Join us in this master class and assist your patients because PRESERVATION is the ultimate form of REGENeration.




Rapid, irreversible changes to the alveolus and soft tissue architecture occur almost immediately following tooth loss. And thus, the implant journey begins from the very first appointment – the atraumatic extraction. As delegates will come to learn, preservation is the ultimate form of REGENeration. By preserving the form and contours that nature gifts us from the very beginning,  the surgical and prosthetic journey in tooth replacement becomes much simpler and more predictable, which often results in less morbidity for our patients.

Nature is our blueprint, let’s begin with the end in mind.


Learning Objectives

Learn to utilise techniques in order to predictably preserve the alveolar ridge and soft tissues following tooth removal. With a strong emphasis on surgical technique, this workshop will focus on practical exercises to help the modern dental practitioner develop the skills necessary to perform atraumatic tooth extraction, alveolar ridge preservation techniques, as well as augmentative procedures carried out at the time of tooth extraction. Clinicians will also learn when and how to re-enter grafted and non-grafted sites with both free-hand and guided implant placements, to successfully restore aesthetics and function in partially edentulous patients.


·       Post-Extraction Socket Healing

·       Pre- & Post-Surgical Regimen,  Medical History & Informed Consent

·       Armamentarium & Microsurgical Instrumentation

·       Atraumatic Extraction Technique

·       Biomaterials (bone and membrane) – what, when and how?

·       Indications and Contraindications for Alveolar Ridge Preservation

·       Managing the Simple Extraction Socket with in-tact bony walls

·       Managing the Complex Extraction Socket with one or more missing bony walls

·       Timing of Re-entry and Implant Placement

·       Suturing Techniques

·       Socket Seal Technique – “simultaneous preservation and augmentation”

·       Extraction and Alveolar Ridge Preservation Hands-on Exercises

·       Free-Hand and Guided Implant Placement Hands-on Exercises (Plan, Design, Fabricate, and Place)

·       Complications & Management